30th June 2022 | Bicester Vision, News
Bicester Vision CIC welcomes two new members. Bicester Vision CIC Executive Board to consider the challenges ahead for Bicester Vision CIC and how the organisation is to remain relevant to the communities in Bicester that it serves. Bicester Vision CIC offers congratulations to all those involved in Oxfordshire Arts Week, gaining the award for Oxfordshire…
31st May 2022 | Bicester Vision, News, Volunteering
Bicester Vision CIC encourages local employers to consider employment opportunities for the many families of serving personnel living at Bicester Garrison. Bicester Vision CIC supporters were pleased to hear details of the Great Wolf Resorts development, opportunities available, benefits to the local Bicester economy, and the creation of c600 new jobs. Bicester Vision CIC supporters…
30th April 2022 | Bicester Vision, News, Volunteering
Bicester Vision CIC pushes for an update on progress with the town centre initiative. Bicester Vision CIC encourages supporters to forward content asap for the BV Annual Report. Bicester Vision CIC is delighted to be welcoming new supporters to the Partnership.
31st March 2022 | Bicester Vision, News, Volunteering
Bicester Vision CIC hosts approaching 50 people for its first face-to-face event in 2 years!Oxfordshire Skills Hub invites employers to help unlock the Apprenticeship Levy; support the Oxon Apprenticeships Awards; support careers delivery in Oxfordshire’s schools/colleges. Pleasecontact Oxfordshire LEP.Bicester Hotel, Golf & Spa continues to offer great facilities to businesses, individuals, and those looking to…
31st January 2022 | Bicester Vision, Green Initiatives, News, Volunteering
Bicester Vision seeks to deliver a literacy event at a future open meeting, focusing on books and reading, in partnership with Coles Books.Bicester Vision CIC welcomes James Metcalf (Metcalf Security Group) as a new Director.Bicester Vision worked in partnership to support Bicester Town Council, Bicester Village and Dragonfly Framing to deliver the successful Pop Up…
31st December 2021 | Bicester Vision, News, Volunteering
ARCh (Assisted Reading for Children in Oxfordshire) provided Bicester Vision CIC supporters with a presentation on their inspirational work with children across Oxfordshire. Please contact ARCh if you can offer any support to enable this wonderful charity to continue and expand their work.Oxfordshire Careers Hub are working closely with Bicester schools to prepare students for…
30th November 2021 | Bicester Vision, Green Initiatives, News, Volunteering
Bicester Vision is to work with Bullingdon Prison to progress a project building links between the prison service and the voluntary, community, and business sectors, in order to better support ex-offenders reintegrating into society with the aim of reducing reoffending rates.Bicester Vision supports the pop-up Art Gallery being arranged in the town centre open daily…
31st October 2021 | Bicester Vision, Green Initiatives, News, Volunteering
Bicester Vision CIC is delighted its initiative, undertaken with Cherwell District Council and Oxfordshire MIND, has seen the Mental Health Training for Managers course fully subscribed.Bicester Vision CIC will be representing Bicester businesses at the Oxfordshire LEP roundtable discussing what’s needed in terms of business support provision in the Bicester area.
30th September 2021 | Bicester Vision, Green Initiatives, News, Volunteering
Bicester Vision CIC’s Volunteering Day on 16 September saw 25 people from a variety of local Bicester-based companies join Chiltern Rangers at Bicester Garrison for a day clearing scrub to encourage new growth and creating perfect habitats for birds, butterflies, and insects.Financial donations made on the day went to support Chiltern Rangers’ work with students,…
18th July 2021 | Bicester Vision, Green Initiatives, News, Volunteering
Bicester Vision CIC’s Volunteering Day on 16 September with Chiltern Rangers will see businesses and students working to improve the local environment at Bicester Garrison Bicester Vision CIC welcomes Steve Thornton (Brita UK) as a new Director. Bicester Vision CIC seeks a presentation on the plans in place for Market Square.
16th May 2021 | Bicester Vision, Business, News
Bicester Vision CIC’s Annual Report is published and available to all online. Bicester Business Directory is open and online at www.beautifulbicester.co.uk. LoyalFree App is live, useful, and free to all to use. Download it here https://www.loyalfree.co.uk/
11th April 2021 | Bicester Vision, Business, News, Volunteering
Bicester Vision CIC offers its condolences to Her Royal Highness The Queen on the death of His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. https://www.royal.uk/DukeEdinburgh Bicester Vision CIC is planning 3 events to bring together businesses in a volunteer setting. Bicester Vision CIC congratulates Eddie Wong on the photographic content he has produced for the…
14th March 2021 | Bicester Vision, Business, Education, Green Initiatives, News
Bicester Vision is keen to have a seat at the Strategic Delivery Board table in order to bring the community voice to strategic local discussions. http://modgov.cherwell.gov.uk/mgCommitteeDetails.aspx?ID=417 Bicester Vision is embracing social responsibility and, to this end, is delighted to be working with Bicester’s Chiltern Rangers during 2021. https://chilternrangers.co.uk/ Bicester Vision has been challenged with finding…
14th February 2021 | Bicester Vision, Business, Green Initiatives, News
Purposeful businesses – Social value can be commercially viable, see OSEP for details. https://www.osep.org.uk/ Park and Charge – Oxfordshire is looking at on-street solutions for charging electric vehicles. https://parkandchargeoxfordshire.co.uk/ Electric vehicle charging points to be in Bicester from April 2021. https://parkandchargeoxfordshire.co.uk/electric-vehicle-drivers-can-park-and-charge-in-bicester-as-innovative-new-charging-hub-opens/
10th February 2021 | Bicester Vision, Business, News, Uncategorised
Agenda for Partnership Meeting 04/02/21 13.00 – Welcome to the meeting Lyndon Robinson, Chairman of Bicester Vision CIC 13.10 – Running a Purposeful Business – Grant Hayward, Collaborent 13.25 – Park & Charge Oxfordshire gives you the power to drive electric in Oxfordshire Jenny Figueiredo – Oxfordshire County Council and Phil Shadbolt – Zeta/EZ-Charge 13.50…
10th January 2021 | Bicester Vision, Business, Education, Green Initiatives, News
Bicester Vision remains a relevant and trusted body during the pandemic, sharing information and thoughts with elected representatives and policymakers. Bicester Vision is developing company policies following incorporation as a Community Interest Company. Bicester Vision will be looking to partner with Chiltern Rangers at its next Partnership meeting to the benefit of the Bicester community…
10th November 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, News
Bicester Motion will be providing a briefing for Bicester Vision CIC members on 27 November on developments at the Bicester Heritage site. Bicester Vision CIC and Bicester Chamber meet with Victoria Prentis MP to share issues/ concerns from the business community. Retro CarFest will be taking place for the first time at the Bicester Heritage…

Victoria Mary Boswell Prentis, M.P.
20th October 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, Education, Green Initiatives, News
Agenda for Partnership Meeting 08/10/20 OxLEP Growth Hub and Peer Networks – Ant Parsons, OxLEP Business How Activate Learning can train your staff – Jon Childs, Activate Learning Our Town Centre in Bicester – Graham Perryman, Bicester Chamber of Commerce Closing remarks from Bicester Vision CIC Chairman
11th October 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, Green Initiatives, News
Business support – OxLEP Business Growth Hub is providing a wide variety of business support, triaging businesses to the best possible support for them. Activate Learning– Are able to support businesses with access to a wide variety of training, including EU funded opportunities, and are acting as a gateway organisation to Government’s Kickstart Scheme, clustering…

Photo by Gong Xi, Bicester
10th August 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, Green Initiatives, News
Bicester Vision partners consider and debate the Local Plan consultation in a special event dedicated to consultation. Breakout sessions discuss; Biodiversity & Recreation; Housing, Transport and Infrastructure; Town Centre, Heritage and Business Space. COVID-19 has brought about change and the town centre needs to adapt to this in a balanced way whilst retaining the charm,…

Photo by Gong Xi, Bicester
15th July 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, News, Uncategorised
My role in the Salute the NHS charitable undertaking has now come to an end. I wanted to share with you my thoughts commensurate with the volunteering aspects of this experience. They are spelt out as follows: a. Volunteers. All who volunteer regardless of talent can contribute. The secret is to align ability with task.…
7th July 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, News, Uncategorised
Bicester Vision will be working with OXLEP and Local Authorities looking at how best to support economic recovery and provide assistance to those facing redundancy. Bicester Vision and Bicester Chamber will be holding a webinar on 19 August 2020, 10 am-12 pm, to discuss the Cherwell Local Plan. Bicester Vision and Cherwell District Council will…

Photo by Gong Xi, Bicester
14th June 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, News, Uncategorised
Community spirit Bicester has been overwhelming during the pandemic, enabling great things to be achieved. Environmental benefits have been seen as a result of COVID-19 and work is underway to carry these benefits forward for the future. Volunteer force – It is to be hoped the volunteer force amassed in the last few months can…

Illustrations by Grae Laws
6th June 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, Education, Green Initiatives, News, Uncategorised
After recent Government announcements, about putting our thoughts to create safe work environments and starting the process of encouraging our staffs to return to work, we feel the time is now right for all businesses to understand how they can move forward to work. Hear from the following experts in their field: Bicester Vision CIC…
10th May 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, News, Uncategorised
Bicester Vision volunteers continue to support the Salute The NHS initiative. Bicester Vision operations, including Board/Partnership meetings, continue during the crisis. Bicester Vision will be looking to future recovery in the ‘Forward To Work’ Partnership meeting on 4 June via Zoom and open to all Supporters.
12th April 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, News
Bicester Vision’s Partnership Manager will provide a specialist COVID-19 literate Business Support/Advice service, signposting businesses to appropriate help available. Bicester Vision Board agrees subscription holiday for all Bicester Vision members until Q3. Bicester Vision’s incorporation as a Community Interest Company is now complete and the organisation commences bidding to bring additional funding to Bicester.
6th April 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, News
The Government is working closely with Business Representative Organisations and Trade Associations to support the national response to coronavirus, including ensuring messages from Government are heard by all businesses and that business voices are heard by Government. Below is a list of organisations you can speak with to get advice. Many of these websites also…
1st April 2020 | Business, News, Uncategorised
Ever the optimists in business and employment, Bicester Vision CIC was buoyed to read the latest report on Identifying potential growth centres across Great Britain from the Connected Places Catapult. Oxford and Cambridge were identified as two of the best performing cities and large towns; Oxford being particularly strong in Patents, Trademarks, University Innovation, Business…
27th March 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, News
The Self-employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) will support self-employed individuals (including members of partnerships) whose income has been negatively impacted by COVID-19. The scheme will provide a grant to self-employed individuals or partnerships, worth 80% of their profits up to a cap of £2,500 per month. HMRC will use the average profits from tax returns in 2016-17,…
24th March 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, News
In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) HM Government have published some excellent resources for all business owners. Corona Virus Business Support from HM Government Corona Virus Guidance for UK Businesses Trading Internationally from HM Government https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-for-uk-businesses/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-for-uk-businesses-trading-internationally Extra protection for businesses with ban on evictions for commercial tenants who miss rent payments https://www.gov.uk/government/news/extra-protection-for-businesses-with-ban-on-evictions-for-commercial-tenants-who-miss-rent-payments COVID-19: guidance on…
21st March 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, News
The Chancellor has today outlined an unprecedented package of measures to protect millions of people’s jobs and incomes as part of the national effort in response to coronavirus. This comes as Government instructs entertainment and hospitality premises, like bars and restaurants, to close from tonight to limit spread of coronavirus. A new Coronavirus Job Retention…
19th March 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, News
News from OxLEP: Both last week’s budget and yesterday’s business support announcements were very welcome and have highlighted a range of support measures. Naturally the detail is still emerging and will take a while to filter through, they are working with Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government to ensure we have sight of details…
12th March 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, News
At the Budget 2020 on Wednesday 11 March, the Chancellor announced a ‘Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme’, and that it would become available ‘over the coming weeks’. This has been brought forward, and we now expect the new scheme to become available in week commencing 23 March 2020. Please take a look here if this…
8th March 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, News
Skills Workshop – Partners assist in work towards the development of an Oxfordshire Skills Roadmap to 2040. Bicester Vision Chairman– Phil Shadbolt stands down after 3 tremendously successful years as Bicester Vision’s Chairman. Lt Col Lyndon Robinson takes over the mantle going forward and looks forward to the opportunities Bicester Vision’s incorporation will offer. Bicester…
10th February 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, News
Bicester Vision Board offers its thanks to Phil Shadbolt, Chairing his last Board meeting, for his tremendous contribution to Bicester Vision (and to the wider Bicester economy) during his 3+ years as Chairman of the organisation. Bicester Vision Board thanks Tom Leeming for a thought-provoking and informative presentation on Tritax Symmetry’s work around Bicester. Bicester…

Phil Shadbolt, OBE
10th January 2020 | Bicester Vision, Business, Education, News
Town Centre Group to provide feedback on progress and discussions for the town centre at the Bicester Vision Partnership meeting on 5 March. Bicester Vision to meet utilities companies to discuss Bicester’s future energy requirements. Bicester Vision is now ready to incorporate as a Community Interest Company enabling it to bid to bring additional funding…

Image by Gong Xi, Bicester
9th November 2019 | Bicester Vision, Business, News
Bicester Vision Board members discuss how to ensure Bicester’s priorities feature in the Cherwell Industrial Strategy (CIS) and the Oxfordshire Local Industrial Strategy (LIS).Bicester Vision is delighted to welcome major new employer, Motor Sport UK, to the area.Bicester Vision is looking forward to announcing its incorporation at the AGM on 5th of December enabling the…
9th October 2019 | Bicester Vision, Business, News
Bicester Vision (along with Bicester Chamber of Commerce and the Wednesday Business Club) confirms sponsorship for Cherwell Business Awards in the Micro Business category.Bicester Vision Board to engage with local developers to understand aspirations for Bicester.Bicester Vision moves forward with incorporation plans in order to bring additional benefit to Bicester businesses and the town as…
10th September 2019 | Bicester Vision, News
Partners learn more about the huge amount of change, activity and development going on around the region.Bicester Vision commits to supporting the Cherwell District Council’s Thrive At Work programme.Bicester Vision facilitates and supports work being undertaken to reinvigorate the town centre, making it, once again, Bicester’s hub
11th July 2019 | Bicester Vision, News
After each meeting we share our key messages: Bicester Vision progresses incorporation to better support Bicester’s business community. Bicester Vision is delighted to be involved with the Town Centre forum focussed on reinvigorating the town centre following the hugely positive workshop with Bill Grimsey. Bicester Vision seeks new Chairman as Phil Shadbolt nears the end…
23rd June 2019 | Bicester Vision, Business, Education, Green Initiatives, News, Uncategorised
Celebrating our amazing town and what the future of our high street could look like
14th June 2019 | Bicester Vision, News
After each meeting we share our key messages: Partners learn more about activity and development going on in and around Bicester. Partners are encouraged to become actively involved with Cherwell District Council in developing the Cherwell Industrial Strategy for the next 10 years. Partners are encouraged to offer support, financial and other, to ensuring the…
12th May 2019 | Bicester Vision, News
After each meeting we share our key messages: Bicester Vision looks forward to hearing the outcome of the Town Centre 2 workshop with Bill Grimsey, looking at reinvigorating the town. Bicester Vision looks to support the MaaS:CAV (Mobility as a Service: Connected Autonomous Vehicles) project, and will assist in feasibility work. Bicester Vision Partners will…
12th April 2019 | Bicester Vision, News
After each meeting we share our key messages: Bicester Vision, with the Town Centre 2 group, co-authors an expression of interest to the £675m Future High Street Fund, and co-sponsors a key event looking at Bicester’s future. Bicester Vision is progressing incorporation discussions with a view to attracting more funding to the area to better…
11th March 2019 | News, Uncategorised
After each meeting we share our key messages: Bicester Vision Partners gain an insight on engaging with East West Rail on supply opportunities and learn of Brexit. Bicester Vision gain insight on resilience/planning support from Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership for Brexit. East West Rail confirm issues around the London Road crossing are high on their…
10th February 2019 | News, Uncategorised
After each meeting we share our key messages: Bicester Vision continues to work with the Town Centre 2 group on the ambitions for Bicester and what will best drive these. Bicester vision liaises with East West Rail to provide an update on development at the 7 March Partnership meeting. Bicester Vision progresses incorporation discussions to…
20th December 2018 | Bicester Vision, Business, Education, News
BICESTER HERITAGE ANNOUNCES PLANNING APPROVAL FOR EXPANSION OWING TO EXCEPTIONAL DEMAND WITH ‘NEW TECHNICAL SITE’ DEVELOPMENT • Bicester Heritage 100% occupied and creating new buildings to satisfy demand with ‘New Technical Site’ zone • Planning submission approved for eight new heritage buildings following ever increasing demand for space within former RAF Bicester site • Modern…
18th June 2018 | Bicester Vision, Business, Green Initiatives, News
Countryside Properties (Bicester) Ltd and the artist Suzanne O’Driscoll, commissioned LED and solar lighting developers Zeta Specialist Lighting, to design bespoke LED systems to light up two new art installations sited at Kingsmere village centre in Bicester. Kingsmere, is a new village community on the outskirts of Bicester that will ultimately provide over 2,300 new…