The results of a survey commissioned by NW Bicester eco town developers, A2Dominion, show a high level support for the eco living principles being built into the scheme.
In order to assess community engagement with the project, A2Dominion commissioned an independent market research company to conduct the survey to measure local residents’ knowledge and opinions about NW Bicester.
More than 100 residents in Bicester Town Centre and Bure Park were asked which elements of the scheme they felt were the most important. The survey showed that 82% of respondents believed that sustainable living is important; in addition 63% believed bringing existing and new communities together in Bicester was an important element.
The survey also asked about residents’ awareness of the scheme with 64% of those asked saying they were aware of NW Bicester, which will be the UK’s first eco town. Overall, 40% support the development with the number slightly higher in Bure Park. 19% had no preference either way at present.
Steve Hornblow, project director at A2Dominion, said, “It is clear that there is much support for a greener approach to living in Bicester and surrounding areas.
“A key aim of NW Bicester is to improve the lifestyles of both new and existing residents of Bicester, creating a strong community which integrates with the town as well as enabling them to benefit from unique opportunities such as homes with improved efficiency, reduced running costs and carbon footprint; extensive use of solar panels; access to a fuel-efficient, low emission car club and community services and facilities on your doorstep.”
“We are currently planning events in the coming months which will provide residents with opportunities to learn more about the scheme and that we believe will encourage further positive feeling towards the planned development. Details will be published in the coming weeks. In addition, the autumn will see public exhibitions held where residents can see some of the technology that will be used.”
A new website is currently in development which will provide up to date information and people can also sign up now to the monthly Friends of NW Bicester e-newsletter at