News from OxLEP:
Both last week’s budget and yesterday’s business support announcements were very welcome and have highlighted a range of support measures. Naturally the detail is still emerging and will take a while to filter through, they are working with Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government to ensure we have sight of details as they emerge. The Oxfordshire local Enterprise Partnership have collated a set of business specific updates from various government sources. We recommend visiting this site and having a read through the content and following links that are applicable.
They also have eScalate and ISfB grants available for eligible businesses.
News from Cherwell District Council:
Calling all manufacturers! The Government is asking all manufacturers to consider switching production to making ventilators and related components, which are needed to help people suffering from Covid-19. Whilst such a transition may not be possible for many manufacturers, the support and interest of our important local manufacturing sector would be greatly appreciated. If you can help: